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A 22-post collection


Quickplay - Mario Kart 8

The gang discusses Mario Kart 8's various gameplay assistance features and how they manage to walk the line between making the game more accessible while still maintaining its competitive spirit.

Questions? Comments? Know of any other great accessibility features you want to share? Contact us on Twitter or email And if you liked the show, please review us on Apple Podcasts or share this episode with a friend!

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Header image from Mario Kart 8 by Nintendo

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Quickplay - Avoiding Burnout

Ryan leads the gang through a discussion of healthy work-life practices for game designers. How can you change your work habits to optimize your productivity, focus your creative energies where they're most important, and avoid the dreaded burnout? All will be revealed!

Questions? Comments? Want to share your own work-life balance tips ? Contact us on Twitter or email And if you liked the show, please review us on Apple Podcasts or share this episode with a friend!

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Header image from Resident Evil 7 by Capcom

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Quickplay - Mysterium

The gang digs into Mysterium's clairvoyancy token mechanic. What does it add to the game? Does it have to be so dang complex? How did it become part of the design in the first place? And could all of this be the work of malicious spirits influencing the designers from beyond the grave?

Questions? Comments? Ghostly premonitions? Contact us on Twitter or email And if you liked the show, please review us on Apple Podcasts or share this episode with a friend!

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Header image from Mysterium by Oleksandr Nevskiy and Oleg Sidorenko

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Quickplay - Forbidden Desert

The gang discusses Matt Leacock's 2013 cooperative board game Forbidden Desert. Although the game is considered by many to be a modern classic, we're digging into its Meteorologist class, and how one of its abilities is just... not fun?

Questions? Comments? Ideas for how you'd improve the Meteorologist? Contact us on Twitter or email And if you liked the show, please review us on Apple Podcasts or share this episode with a friend!

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Header image from Forbidden Desert by Matt Leacock

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Quickplay - Hades

The gang talks about Supergiant Games' new early-access roguelike Hades and its excellent Boon system, which allows players to temporarily increase the game's difficulty for the chance to earn bonuses that will last for the rest of their run.

Questions? Comments? Got your own favorite difficulty-wagering mechanics? Contact us on Twitter or email And if you liked the show, please review us on Apple Podcasts or share this episode with a friend!

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Header image from Hades by Supergiant Games

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